Ernest Land: Designer of Black Budget Tax Shelters for The Self-Anointed, Self-professing Man of God

That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought.  Isaiah 29:21

Ernest Land AKA DOC FOG, Director of Circulation for the Favor of God. This moniker was created when Ernest Land was a DJ on a Christian radio station.

This past month I have been reading through Robert Baty’s website at which he has titled, Kent Hovind v. Robert Baty-The Great Debates!  Kent Hovind’s False Legal Narrative challenged!  What I find interesting about Baty’s blog, and also that of Deana Holmes of and Peter J. Reilly’s Your Tax Matters Partner:, is that every single question I have asked about Kent Hovind’s legal problems has been addressed by these three “reprovers in the gate”.

What is unsettling about their reproving, is that by identifying what the key evidence and laws were which led to the conviction and incarceration of Kent Hovind, they have also been exposing what is wrong with present day commercialized  Churchianity. Over the years many pastors had rightfully turned away from Kent Hovind because of his tax fraud; yet most did so quietly, when what was needed was a public rebuke of the multi-faceted false doctrines which undergird the Hovind ministry.

The  “reprovers in the gate” who have spoken rightly about the Hovind case have come under fire from a multitude of Hovind supporters who display a stubborn unity in refusing to discuss even the most elementary laws and evidence of this case.  In addition, I have observed that many vile words, lies and threats have been spoken by Hovind’s friends against those who attempt to have a reasonable and rational discussion. This ought not to be the case in a free society.  And it is inexcusable for someone who professes to be a Christian to resort to making threats when they are unable to advance their argument,  because the facts and evidence prove that they are in the wrong.

I had mentioned in a prior post that Rudy Davis, one of the more prominent supporters of Kent Hovind,  had resorted to an imprecatory form of prayer, cursing death and destruction against those legal authorities involved in the Gavin Seim case. Another example of this type of ill fitted response arose when Deana Holmes commented on a Peter J. Reilly Facebook post on February 14, 2015.  She had said, “Ernie, your not so veiled attempts at saying those of us who believe Kent Hovind has to pay taxes like everyone else are going to face an angry God at the White Throne Judgment remind me that my favorite prayer is, “Jesus, save us from your professional followers.”

Ernest Land replied in part, (the whole comment can be read in the link above)  “…The Ministry was NOT a extensive criminal organization as the Judge stated, it is and was a Ministry that lead people worldwide to a beleif(sp) in the word of God, and the saving grace of Jesus.  Still is as Kent has lead over 700 souls to the Lord in prison.  Kent is one of God’s annointed(sp), and to lay hands on him will reap one God’s wrath….” 

The facts of Kent Hovind’s breaking of criminal and civil laws cannot, and should not be glossed over by the unproved assertions that “souls were saved”.  It has been shown time and again that many persons who profess to be saved, later reveal by their actions that those words were said in a moment of emotional fervor, and were not stated with genuine sincerity and deliberation.

The Bible makes a number of declarations about those who will reap God’s wrath, and habitual liars number among the group that will find themselves in hell. All of us have been warned,  Be not deceived; God is not mocked:  for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Galatians 6:7)

Ernest Land is presently the incorporator and a director of Creation Science Evangelism Ministries, Inc., registered in Alabama, where Kent Hovind is rebuilding anew another Dinosaur Adventure Land.

Looking dapper in a white tux in 2008, Ernie Land explains the 4 financial quadrants on You Tube

So who is this man that gives warning that whoever touches the so called  Anointed Man of God Kent Hovind, risks incurring the wrath of God? Tracking Ernie Land is like watching a rock skipping across a pond. He has used so many different states to register his business ventures, so many addresses, so many phone numbers…

Skipping Rocks Across a pond

On Ernest Land’s website, which was created on November 17, 2005, he discusses his educational and employment  background. It would appear that Ernest Land’s primary skills have been in professional lying, which in polite society is referred to as having a career in Sales and Marketing. A resume becomes questionable whenever it uses vague descriptive terms such as  “educated in legal and finance”, yet names no specific university which can be evaluated for accreditation,  nor any degree.  What does it mean when Land claims to have worked in Legal at the paper company writing land contracts? Was this a task that could have been performed by a clerk? What is this FCEC license mentioned that allows Ernest Land to defend church rights? We are told so much, and yet so little…On Ernest Land’s webpage under Accomplishments, he lists the most important milestones from 1980 to 2007, as follows:

2006 must have been a notable year, for 3 major events affecting the major players in the Inner Circle of Kent Hovind took place.  The first event was alluded to in a letter from Kent Hovind to his son Eric (noted by Peter J. Reilly in his blog), where Hovind protested, “I trusted you with all the CSE assets in 2006 and simply asked for them back when I got out of prison 1 year ago.  You now use lots of smoke and mirrors to not do that…”.

The second event is noted by Ernie Land that he was the Top Earner and Consultant to Bio.  And the third event,  which may have been the primary reason Ernie Land now has a reputation as a World Renown Speaker and Marketer, is that on May 30, 2006  the Texas Attorney General issued a temporary injunction against Lowell Mims and Gustavo Romero and BioPerformance, Inc. This began the legal proceedings which resulted in this company having to pay out millions to consumers of their fraudulent product. Lowell Mims has a religious front as  a “church growth” evangelist, and he is the founder of MLM companies which Ernest Land has partnered with, such as ProvisionRX Inc.

Just days before the Texas AG dropped his rock of judgment in the pond,The Dallas Observer published an article dated May 25, 2006 Running on Fumes,  by Rick Kennedy.  It discusses the many problems with BioPerformance, and specifically discusses Ernie Land, the Top Earner and Consultant to Bio, who managed to escape being named in the Texas AG injunction.  Rick Kennedy, the author of this article quotes “Eric Scheibler, a former pyramid scheme victim who now runs the anti-MLM Web site merchants of,” as saying, “MLMs commonly use religion to attract and motivate members.  The best-known example, he says, is Quixtar (formerly Amway).”

As we saw in Ernie Land’s bio, he had once been involved in Amway, a religious based MLM.

The Dallas Observer article notes, “Craig Lunde, a disgruntled BioPerformance member from California, says that Mims was a minister (who) influenced him to join. ‘Everyone seems to be so sincere and so honest and so Christian and so decent, I went with that’, Lunde says. The Dallas distributor who did not want his name used also bought into the image of a Christian company.  ‘I’m really upset that someone who claims to be a preacher has done what he has done,’ he says.  Many of his recruits were members of his church, and he had planned to use the money he made to finance the church’s Web site.  Instead, he using it to pay his downlines back”.

Rick Kennedy, in his Running on Fumes article describes “MLM veteran Ernie Land”, as “tall, with bushy gray hair and a mustache and a voice disconcertingly similar to cartoon character Hank Hill from King of the Hill.  Some versions of the company Web site featured Land standing in front of a sprawling ranch house with a gleaming pickup on each side, a living testament to the success of BioPerformance.  Not surprisingly, he is an ardent defender of the company.  ‘We feel good that, at the end of the day, we’ll be justified in all that we’ve done,’ Land says.”

According to the Dallas Observer, Ernest Land gave advice to Mims and Romero which “centered on protecting Bio-Performance from the legal challenges that bedevil most MLM Companies. ‘MLM is constantly attacked as an industry by both the media and the legal system because it’s outside the norm, it’s outside the mainstream,’ Land says.  ‘It’s entrepreneurial, and its usually cutting-edge products that aren’t totally proven’.”

In that regard, Bioperformance offered a product in pill form that when added to the gas tank, was touted to increase the car’s performance. There were so many complaints to the Texas AG’s office, that they were forced to  issue an injunction and then they took this company to court, after having the product tested in a lab.

Ernest Land displays his clever legal thesis/antithesis strategy

The Dallas Observer pointed out the contradictory  legal MO which Ernest Land counseled BioPerformance to engage in.  He had  “persons sign sworn affidavits to verify claims the product works”, and also he confessed that he  “brought them to disclaim everything”. Apparently this contradictory advice of Ernest Land’s did not hold up well in court. It also does not hold up well in the Scriptures either, for Matthew 5:37 states, But let your communication be, Yea, yea: Nay, Nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.  Matthew 5:37

This same pattern emerges in the restructuring of Kent Hovind’s Alabama Dinosaur Adventure Land

As the founder of Creation Science Evangelism (CSE), in his post prison days,  Kent Hovind still retains his status of chief fundraiser; yet his very words and that of the board of directors are Officially Disclaimed as a matter of policy by CSE.  Is this strategy the hand of God, or the Hand of Ernest Land?

In 1989 Kent Hovind established Creation Science Evangelism (CSE), and in 2001, set up his Dinosaur Adventure Land theme park in the backyard of his Pensacola, Florida home.  Having been found guilty of tax fraud, Hovind was at last released from prison in 2015, after serving almost 9 years.  He returned home to Florida to face insurmountable family problems. This untenable situation was remedied when Kent Hovind moved to Conecuh county, Alabama to live out his vow of poverty on  three adjoining tax free 40+ acre parcels of land worth over $500,000.  Slowly this new tax free Dinocracy is establishing itself….

Robert Baty had shared this Conecuh, AL parcel details on his Facebook group site “Kent Hovind’s Worst Nightmare!”.

It was only five months ago on July 24, 2017 that Creation Science Evangelism Ministries, Inc. was registered as a Domestic Non-Profit Corporation with the Alabama Secretary of State and assigned an entity ID number 397-041. The principal address is 488 Pearl Lane, Repton, Al 36475 which features a brontosaurus duo on the gate.The nature of this business was stated to be exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes.

A six page document dated July 26, 2017 titled the Certificate of Formation was filed with Alabama, which I have not read in all its details, as I was unwilling to pay for it.  However, of note is that five persons presently hold official titles; none of which are Kent Hovind, the original founder of the ministry bearing CSE name.  Ernest Land is both the Incorporator and a Director.  Diane Hummel is the Registered Agent and a Director. Cody Land, who appears to be related to Ernest Land, is named a Director, along with J. Russell Hughes of Rose City, MI, and Bill Sardi of La Verne, CA.

Just a year and a half earlier, on February 23, 2016, the Florida Secretary of State had registered Creation Science Evangelism Ministries, Inc. as a Domestic Non-Profit (N16000002289) having a FEI/EIN Number 81-1424226, and presently we see the same persons are named as described in the Alabama corporation registration. Florida does not charge for reviewing the Certificate of Incorporation, and so I was able to note  that initially there was another person involved:  Theodore Valenzuela of 29 Cummings Road, Pensacola, FL 32464, had been appointed as Secretary. The address used for Valenzuela was one of Kent Hovind’s Florida properties involved in the tax fraud disputes.  When Hovind later moved to the Alabama location  to begin anew another Dinosaur Adventure Land, Valenzuela followed, living in one of the bunk houses there. He has since departed from Kent’s CONpound.

This strange disclaimer is currently posted on the Official Dr. Dino website; special attention should be made to how this relates to the founder of the CSE/DAL ministries, and Director, Ernest Land and the former Secretary, Theo Valenzuela:

So if a so-called Christian ministry such as CSEM does not trust the communications of the founder and it’s board of directors, why should anyone else? And where do we discover what the official policy or position of CSE Ministries is, if not through the communications of its board of directors and officers?

Oh wait, didn’t I say earlier that every question I ask about the Kent Hovind story has been answered by at least one of  the Three Reprovers in The Gate? Sure enough,  Peter J. Reilly on July 1, 2016 in an article, Kent Hovind & Ernie Land-Scheming as Usual,  quotes CSEM as saying, They will help oversee the ministry in the spirit of transparency and showing itself to be approved by others.  CSEM (Creation Science Evangelism Ministries) believe it is important for ministries that rely on donations to be completely transparent about its objectives, goals and use of funds toward those ends.  Any designated funds donated will be applied to those projects or expenses designated, and will only be placed into other projects or other ministry expenses, after consultation and agreement with the donor.

I can see right through you CSEM; I see your motives and methods, but does that mean you are “transparent” in the good sense of the word?

Apparently Peter J. Reilly exercised the same caution when reading the CSEM statement, for he notes, “Transparency has its limits.  When I asked Ernie about the contract , this is how he responded.”  ( The contract refers to an agreement with the founder of CSEM, Kent Hovind, who is presently not named in the state of Alabama registration of that corporation.)

Ernie Land replied,  Our contracts are US Constitution article 1 section 10 private contracts.  They will remain private and should the IRS attack again then a snare is in place to throw it into International Court. All are signed “Without Prejudice UCC 1-308”.  I like the term patriot, but actually adhere more to being a Constitutionalist.  As you know from my $6mil lawsuit brought against me personally and my company by the FTC, I will use the International Court, and as in that case, the Federal Court seals everything, while removing me from the suit.  Hey, maybe that experience is why I believe so adamantly in Conspiracy by the elites in Government.  They seal documents, or hide them like Hillary’s emails, in most of the cases they lose or should I say the 1% they lose.  Pretty good game the play.  I guess they learned from the Harlem Globe Trotters.

The above statement by Ernest Land, which I have added some bolding to emphasize two phrases, is interesting in that Ernest Land boasts of laying a legal snare to escape accountability and he also mentions that for some reason the Federal Trade Commission was unhappy with him.

A MISSION STATEMENT structured like a sandwich presents its Mission Statement with redundant first and last sentences, saying,  Our mission is to tell the world about the Good News of Freedom in Jesus Christ and the Truth about his Amazing Creation, utilizing simple scientific explanations targeting children, about the handiwork of God who created them in His Image, contrary to the Darwinian explanation of the origins of man.  The Word of God is True!  But you may not know the evidence that supports the Word of God and shows the public school taught evolution (of Darwin) nothing more than an imagined idea.  We therefore have the mission from God of Telling the world about the Freedom in Jesus Christ and the Truth about His Amazing Creation.

The first and the last sentences are redundant, but at this point, so what? Do you sincerely believe that this is a genuine Christian ministry?

Ernest Land counseled BPI to take two contradictory measures, which we see in place at CSEM.  The first was to obtain sworn affidavits to verify claims the product works.  What is the product of CSEM?  Why Kent Hovind, of course.  In prior posts I mentioned the names of a number of supporters of Kent Hovind who proclaimed him a persecuted Christian martyr because of the stand he has taken as a world renowned expert on the Creation/Evolution debate.  These professions of support back in 2015 through online videos made by the Christian Alternative Media are as good as a sworn affidavit that “the product works”.  The second measure which contradicts the first, is in accordance with Ernest Land’s counsel to “disclaim everything”, and that was done on the Dr. Dino official website.

What about those three pesky Reprovers at the Gate of the old and new Dinosaur Adventure Land?  Does Ernest Land really have the legal and financial wherewithal to ensnare them in one of his traps?  Nah, when push comes to shove, poor Kent Hovind may be forced to take the fall once again for not having the gumption to free himself from the legal counsel of Ernie Land, Glen Stoll, and others of ill-repute.