And The Prize For The Worst Written Amicus Curiae Brief for 2021 Goes To….”Amicus” Goodman of Crowdsource the Truth: Part II – A Walk On the WILD SIDE With Jason Goodman

“HEY BABY, DO YOU REALIZE YOUR FATHER IS AN ASSHOLE?”  Jason Goodman yells at a baby in a stroller while demonstrating what AMBUSH JOURNALISM IS to the baby’s father.  (December 30, 2021 Crowdsource the Truth Live Stream)

In PART I, Tracking the Leopard Meroz discussed the history of an Amicus Curiae brief that was written by Jason Goodman, which leveled Fraud on the Court charges against George Webb Sweigert and Dave Sweigert.  

Today’s focal point is Exhibit A of Document 38 of the Plaintiff’s Opposition to Amicus Brief by Non-Party, Jason Goodman, filed on January 3, 2022, in the George Webb vs. CNN  lawsuit in the Michigan federal court.  [George Webb Sweigert vs CNN Doc 38 103 2022].

George Webb Sweigert says in Paragraph 2, “The Non-Party Jason Goodman is a well known ‘ambush journalist’ in New York City, known for marauding the streets of New York in a bulletproof vest and a concealed carry permit, picking fights with immigrants and other people he does (sic –doesn’t?) think should have a voice in New York.  He is seen here chasing an immigrant family down and across a busy street and yelling full face at a baby in a stroller. (EXHIBIT A).  Non-Party Jason Goodman (sic – is) not a non-biased Party as the Amicus Curiae provision requires.” [bolding added.]

The Crowdsource the Truth video referenced in Document 38 was published on YouTube December 30, 2021, titled Ghost Town NYC – Hollywood Distorter’s False Statements of Fact Favor EMMY Liars & Goodbye de Blasio.  This 2:10:57 hours live stream features Jason Goodman walking around New York City discussing the lawsuits he is involved in, among other issues, and engaging in antagonistic encounters with various persons along the way. 2022-01-09 (12)

As background, on the same day as this video stream, Jason Goodman filed Document 139 in the Southern District of New York lawsuit, National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences vs. Multimedia System Design, in response to Judge Caproni’s Order that he show cause in writing why the Plaintiffs should not be entitled to a default judgment.  Thus, Jason Goodman is most likely feeling a lot of angst that is part and parcel of being a party in multiple lawsuits.

At the 1:10:52 mark, Jason Goodman discusses his Amicus Curiae in the Michigan CNN lawsuit, saying, “If it wasn’t for that pesky amicus brief, because you see, that presented evidence that supports the allegation that a forged document was placed on the docket, and it raises certain questions about who might have done that.  And I have a feeling, I don’t know, and we won’t know until the hearing happens, but I have a feeling, Judge Drain called that hearing because he wants to hear details about the evidence that I presented.”

“And the court does have the inherent power to conduct an investigation in the case that someone’s trying to deceive them.  Fraud on the court is within their power to investigate and punish people; for they got marshals there, they can arrest people, stick them in jail, and stuff, so we’ll see what happens.” [bolding added.]

“I was really disappointed that Judge Caproni didn’t find the information in that amicus brief important enough to have a hearing.  She did want to have a hearing when the uh NATAS, you know they, the plaintiff there in NATAS vs. MSD accused me of violating a protective order falsely accused me.  That’s been proven now that they were either incorrect or otherwise deliberately lied,  but that was a sanctions hearing that was supposed to cost me a lot of money.  Who knows, ten thousand, fifteen thousand, they wanted to charge me for their legal bill for the portion of work that was happening.  There could have been a real big bill; instead, it just was me getting yelled at.”

“Uh, Bouzy and his friends have also been making hay out of the fact that the judge said something about me being a conspiracy theorist.  Listen, that is a meaningless statement and frankly the judge should recuse herself just for saying that and other things demonstrating bias;  but she’s declined to do that, so we’ll see what happens.  Anyway we’re getting close to the end, anyway, so maybe it’s fine, leave Valerie Caproni there and we’ll just see what happens.”

Approaching a loud political gathering

So, Jason Goodman is walking along, talking out loud about his various legal disputes, when he approaches a crowd gathered in connection with Mayor Bill DeBlasio’s last days in office. 

Goodman stops to talk with a man he recognizes at the 1:18:10 mark, and after an exchange about the DeBlasio gathering, remarks, “I don’t have my usual microphone so we’ll just get this a little closer to you here right here so you know uh Cuomo won an Emmy in 2020.  Did you guys know that the Emmys are tax exempt and that your tax dollars subsidize their activities.  The television academy is a tax exempt business association now. Did you know that they’re suing my company?  ….(blah, blah, blah…) (1:19:41) Desmond Marrero who crashed one of your events and basically was speaking against the police when Carol let him on also assaulted me in Times Square and broke my phone…[bolding added.]

There are loud political opinions being shouted in the background of this live streamed video, and at the 1.20.09 mark, Jason Goodman decides to leave his discussion with his acquaintance.  He swings around to his left, to see a man walking away from him,  pushing a baby stroller along the sidewalk.  This is the point in the video highlighted by George Webb Sweigert as Exhibit A, titled, “Watch Jason Goodman attack a baby at 1:20:10” in Document 38 Plaintiff’s Opposition to Amicus Brief by Non-Party, Jason Goodman.

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(1:20.12)  The YouTube auto transcript shows most of Jason Goodman’s speech, but fails to pick up the voice of the man with the stroller.  I have listened to the audio record to hear the verbal responses to Goodman in order to fill in the missing parts of YouTube’s transcript. 

Jason Goodman:  “So are you happy with uh Joe Biden?”

Sound of “Loser!”

Jason Goodman:  “Don’t touch me, man!  Are you happy with Joe Biden?”

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Man puts up his hand, yells “Snowflake.”

Jason Goodman:  “Don’t touch me, man!”

Man yells “Snowflake.”

Jason Goodman:  “Are you happy with Joe Biden?”

Man:  “Hi, Snowflake.”

Jason Goodman:  “Hi idiot.”

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Man:  “Hi snowflake.”

Jason Goodman:  “So tell us, what’s Joe Biden done that’s any good?  You’re walking around with a baby, starting fights.  You seem pretty stupid.”

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Man:  “You’re following me.”

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Jason Goodman:  “I’m walking down the street.  You used to call me a dick in front of your baby.  Hey baby!  Do you realize your father is an asshole?  Don’t fucking touch me.”

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Man:  “Go away.”

Jason Goodman: “Don’t touch me!”

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Man: “Get away.”

Jason Goodman:  “You started it.  None of you come near me!  None of you come near me!  You started it.”

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Man:  “Have a good day.”

Jason Goodman:  “Don’t…You’re the antagonizer!

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Man:  “No”. (backing away)

Jason Goodman:  “You are the antagonizer!  People saw the video.  You antagonize this crowd.” 

Man:  “Awwwh, shut up.”

Jason Goodman:  “You deserve to be called a shithead.  Where’d you come from, Afghanistan?”

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Man:  “Go home, snowflake”.

Jason Goodman:  “You got six people!  I’m one!  You’re starting the fight and calling me.  Where’s you home?  Where’s your home, tough guy?”

Man: “Right here”.

Jason Goodman:  “No, I don’t think so.”

Man: “Yeah, oh yeah.”

Jason Goodman:  “Okay, that baby’s gonna grow up to be an idiot like you.”

Voice:  “You don’t have any friends”. (laughter)

Jason Goodman:  “Do people see how these people operate?  How that kind of antagonistic, childish behavior.  How is that leading to anything good?  Okay, I  stopped that guy, to demonstrate what a moron he is, you know.  He’s obviously come to this country from somewhere else and he wants to antagonize people here and start a fight rather than peacefully allow people to disagree and exercise their rights here.  So that is the type of person that should not come to the United States and pollute the public discourse with their stupid comments.  I knew we would have stuff like that going on down here.  They can’t just allow people to be here peacefully.  And you know what?  People are going to say “Oh yeah, you went near the guy’s kid”.  Don’t go starting fights,  if you’re pushing a baby stroller.  Stupid thing to do.”(1:22:47)

Jason Goodman claimed that the man pushing the baby stroller called him a dick.  I did not hear any comment like that, and if anyone watching this video can identify the timestamp where such a remark is discernible, please let me know.  During the conversation which is understandable, the father with the baby does not use offensive language, and in fact tries to move beyond Jason Goodman.  Goodman deliberately interprets the man’s defensive gesture of putting his hand up as an aggressive act.  Goodman’s voice is very loud, profane, and antagonistic. It is clear from his own video records, that Goodman is acting as an agent provocateur, trying to provoke a man with a baby into a heated exchange.  Throughout, the man’s demeanor is mild, considering the actions and verbiage of Jason Goodman.

As Jason Goodman continues his walk, he recognizes a man he knows, and asks him if he is there to set others up.  After that man blows smoke in his face, Goodman declares, “Don’t advance on me, motherfucker.”2022-01-09 (6) 

Goodman approaches a police officer to arrest the man who blew smoke in his face because of “Covid dangers”.  He remarks to the officer, “I thought anytime somebody makes you feel like you’re in immediate danger of bodily harm, that’s assault.  That’s what lawyers tell me.”

Seconds later, another “incident arises” as shown in this screenshot.2022-01-09 (8) 

Jason Goodman:  “You know what NYPD, you guys are the biggest wise asses.  This woman sexually assaulted me, arrest her!  This woman sexually assaulted me! ….I’m alleging that this disgusting woman shoved a turkey baster in her vagina and then put it in my face and it took me an hour to get NYPD over here and now you’re walking away.”

It appears that that the incident Goodman is complaining of, happened at a prior encounter,  and as he walked through the crowd on the December 30, 2021 video, he recognized her as being present at this gathering.

(1: 27:12)  Jason Goodman:  “Why am I not allowed to file a complaint with the police?  I’ve been assaulted by this woman and here she is!  I made a report they did nothing.  Does the NYPD do anything or just stand around and tell me to walk away?  She assaulted me!”

(1:27:36)  Jason Goodman says, “NYPD is a disgrace.  You guys are a disgrace. (He comments to a loud woman in the crowd) Get some fucking teeth, lady!

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At the 1:30:23 mark, Jason Goodman comments, “They have never once done anything when I have needed them; assaults, it’s stalkers, nothing.  They do nothing.  That disgusting fat, partially naked, horrendous woman.  It’s on video.  People, go back and check it out.  She was shoving a turkey baster in her vagina, and then sticking it in my face.  She was doing it to a lot of people.  I mean if a man did that, if a man masturbated and went and shoved it in women’s faces, you’d be arrested in four seconds.  So you know, maybe it’s not the most dignified thing to come over here and get into arguments, but man, those cops are disgraceful.  This’s disgraceful.  And they’re allowed to walk around with guns and arrest people.  Those guys are morons, dangerous, dangerous, dangerous city. You know what, it gives you a little bit more insight, I’m not even going to say it. Youtube won’t like it.”

Near the end of this 2+ hours live stream, Jason Goodman concludes, “So, I’m gonna, I’m gonna say goodnight to everybody.  This was quite a stream.  Legal conversation, altercations with the cops,  maniacs on the street,  heroin addict infiltrators. Unbelievable.”

Tracking the Leopard Meroz comment:  Does Jason Goodman want someone arrested, and in jail?  It is bizarre how Goodman goes from discussing that the end result of his Amicus Curiae is his desire to convince a judge to arrest those he accuses of committing a crime.    And in his walk about around New York City on December 30, 2021, he seems intent on provoking  a situation in which someone else, other than himself, gets arrested. This is not a mindset that seeks for a peaceful resolution of disputes; most of which he fanned the flames of from the very beginning.

I recommend that the video segment beginning at 1:20 be viewed to hear the intonations of the voices, as that is an important part of the attempted provocation by Jason Goodman of the man with the baby stroller into creating an “incident”. Fortunately, the father of the baby did not respond in kind.

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