The Framework in which Truth is Examined

When you find a man playing “tough”, it is because he knows he has an advantage. All you have to do is shift the scenery to an environment where he doesn’t have the advantage then, nine times out of ten, his TOUGHNESS disappears.” (page 61 from Custer’s Last Stand by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman)

Back in June 2017 I began to look at the major “players” which were gathered around the Port of Charleston dirty bomb incident. I wrote a number of  posts on some of those persons based on the observations I had made at that point in time.  Back then, I could see a RICO lawsuit coming. In fact, I still have an unfinished post from August of 2017 which I never got around to publishing called RICOcheting and RACKETeering, using the cartoon below to illustrate the end game of all those adversarial standoffs which were happening back then.

Prior to Robert David Steele filing his defamation lawsuit,  I had been observing Dave (Acton) Sweigert, and learning about preservation of evidence and spoliation. He had been warning several individuals of possible copyright or trademark violations, wire fraud, obstruction of justice or criminal investigations, intimidation or coercion of government, monetization of YouTube accounts, harassment, and  crowdstalking, which are all aspects of filing a successful RICO lawsuit.  All of these words, or derivatives of these concepts, are found in the definition of racketeering activity in the U.S. Code sections which outline the provisions of the RICO Act.

Although Dave Sweigert refers to himself as a non-attorney layman, he has a hands on experience with legal matters,  stemming from being the Pro Se Plaintiff in several Qui Tam lawsuits many years ago. Thus Sweigert is in a category all his own, in this strange saga.  One year later, we find that Jason Goodman is facing two Federal Civil Court lawsuits; one structured on defamation and conspiracy laws, and the other based on the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. The framework in which truth is examined is shifting from YouTube striking competitions to an arena where federal civil court procedures, statutes, regulations and case law are argued before a Judge.  Even when a jury trial is requested, it is a long winding road through a legal  forest before discovery and trial by a jury of peers becomes a reality.

From his YouTube platform,  Jason Goodman vacillates between being a tough guy who is comfortable breaching the boundaries of good taste and decorum when accusing his adversaries, and a woe is me, I’ve been framed cry baby. So while we all wait for the summons to be served,  I came across these oblique, but provoking words from Jason Goodman just two days ago. (But first, it is necessary for me to post a screenshot of the applicable CSTT show, in order to ward off a team of monkeys who are headed my way.)

In case you have misplaced your binoculars, the message below “500 Internal Server Error” reads, “Sorry, something went wrong. A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation. If you see them, send them this information as text (screenshots frighten them).”  As you can see, I chose “B”, the screenshot option.

Getting back to the Jason Goodman quotation I was referring to, we hear,  “I may not necessarily know exactly what may or may not have happened to Quinn Michaels, but the second we started discussing it, it was met with derision, it was basically described as you know crazy talk and Star Trek Technology by someone who we have evidence was actually tracking Quinn Michaels and knew of his location when the injury occurred.” (Jason Goodman, 1.02.59 mark of the June 19, 2018 Crowdsource the Truth You Tube video, “The Hidden Triggers of Mass Mind Control with Special Guests Ole Dammegard and Cody Snodgres”.) 

Evidence.  It seems we are always waiting for the evidence…..and if any is presented, has it been tainted?

To provide context for Jason Goodman’s comment, we must go back to April 6, 2018 when Lift The Veil published a YouTube video called, Jason Goodman Calls Lift the Veil. One point of interest in this rambling monologue is found at the 13.14 mark, when Jason Goodman references what he terms, a decentralized distributed defamation attack.  He follows this with a broad discussion of various persons which he names, who he has had problems with in the prior year, and then at the 26.35 mark he again declares, “a new type of crime is taking place; a distributed decentralized defamation attack“.

At the 26.52 mark, Jason Goodman states,  “I called the FBI and I submitted a complaint that took about 45 minutes and in less than 24 hours I got a return phone call and I spent over three hours on the phone and have shared extensive evidence with the FBI and I find it very interesting how agitated Mr. Dave Acton has become.  I think everyone knows I have good contacts at the FBI. I’ve had retired FBI agent Robyn Gritz on my program many times.  I’ve had Thomas Paine of True Pundit, whose real identity I know very well and will not share with anyone, but I have verified that this person is a person who has a great deal of credibility and a tremendous amount of very well vetted law enforcement, active law enforcement sources and these people have assisted me and guided me as to what to do with the information.”

“And they’ve even shared things with me that I’m not prepared to share with you on this program, but tell me that everything Dave Acton is saying is false.  Dave Acton is also at best delusional, at worst psychotic, but he’s you know almost everything that guy says is a crazy manipulation and he seems to be becoming unhinged, primarily because his operation is failing and if he’s the magnificent genius who’s involved in Homeland Security and all these depositions that he talks about, why is he so ineffective for the past nine months that’s stopping little old me, a retired cinematographer who has designed a couple of 3D cameras…” (28.24) Then Jason Goodman continued to discuss his problems with various individuals.

When Jason Goodman said that he has “evidence” of someone tracking Quinn Michaels, this matter was duly noted on May 29, 2018, in Document 55 (Third Declaration of D. George Sweigert) which had been filed in Robert David Steele’s federal civil court defamation lawsuit.  Exhibit 2 of this declaration shows a screenshot of Crowdsource the Truth 2‘s April 21, 2018 broadcast where Jason Goodman says at the 1:12:22 mark, “Right.  And Dave (the undersigned) implores me to present the evidence that we have that indicated that he (the undersigned) knew your (Quinn) location in Vaughn, New Mexico right before his (Quinn) lung collapsed spontaneously.”

So Dave Sweigert had implored Jason Goodman to present his evidence!  I assume that nothing tangible was ever presented in the public domain, as Goodman is still dangling that invisible carrot on the end of a stick.

In response to the above quotation of Jason Goodman, D. George Sweigert declared,  “I hereby DENY all allegations and accusations made by Mr. Goodman that I had ANY knowledge-whatsoever-that CSTT 2.0’s researcher (Quinn Michaels) was in New Mexico-much less the city of Vaughn- when Quinn Michaels suffered a collapsed lung. This entire stream of logic is denied in all its forms by the undersigned.”

Jason Goodman’s racket ball game has now entered the Big Leagues:  Pro Se Plaintiff versus Pro Se Defendant in the Federal Civil Court 

At some point in the future, Jason Goodman will have to reply to the Federal Civil court RICO complaint filed by Sweigert. The court has sanctions for making false and unproved statements, and so this new environment will test the veracity of everyone who will be included in this case.

One of the acts of Jason Goodman, which I had not known about till recently, was described on  page 23 of the RICO complaint as, “…the plaintiff has had to endure Goodman telephoning every ambulance Emergency Medical Service system in Mt. Shasta, CA to report that Goodman has contacted the F. B. I. concerning the plaintiff”. Considering that we have seen no proof of these allegations which had been made to the FBI, I find Goodman’s behavior to be over-the-top, in his attempt to discredit Sweigert’s reputation before his professional peers.

What we are viewing in all of this Youtubing “war of the worlds” is the systematic dissolving of the boundaries of social discourse which allow all Americans to freely speak their own viewpoints, as long as defamatory statements,  as defined by law, are not made.  Whether one describes the speech activities on YouTube as personal or as investigative journalism, there is no place for making serious unfounded allegations when no genuine supporting evidence is presented.

I am hopeful that the filing of a RICO lawsuit which embodies a complaint and inquiry into the strange circumstances of the Port of Charleston dirty bomb incident, will benefit the public’s interest in protecting our fragile economic infrastructure. It took a non-attorney layman, Dave Sweigert, to bring this incident into the structured, reasoning, boundaries of the judicial system, and I commend him for doing so. 

So why wasn’t Robert David Steele’s lawsuit structured as a RICO complaint?  After all, the beginning of his troubles with Jason Goodman and CSTT started because of the Port of Charleston incident, and his defamation lawsuit displays many of the same  elements which are found in a RICO case.  For example, take a look at this screenshot of a remark made by Robert David Steele to Benjamin Fulford which I quoted in my March 21, 2018 article, And in this corner:  A Man Called SUE Contending Against Leviathan, Behemoth and God Almighty!

RICO lawsuits allow triple damages and are against conspirator/racketeer types

In addition, Steele has suggested that others with similar legal complaints might “band” together as a sort of unified force, similar to the class action concept,  against the Deep State. Robert David Steele is quoted in this screenshot  below, taken from my November 12, 2017 article, Robert David Steele & His List of Crowdstalkers & Co-Conspirators:  Is Your Name On This List?

One of the major elements of Dave Sweigert’s RICO lawsuit is the Port of Charleston dirty bomb incident.  In addition to naming Jason Goodman as defendant, others are included as wrongdoers, including George Webb Sweigert,  Okey Marshall Richards and Joe Napoli. In a personal defamation lawsuit, the plaintiff has no standing to represent the interests of others, such as the Coast Guard or the Port of Charleston.  However, in a RICO lawsuit, which is a form of class action complaint, those entities can be included as victims of the wrongdoing of the named racketeers.

I am no attorney, but it seems to me that the primary reason Steele would structure his lawsuit as a personal defamation, asking for triple damages due to the conspiracy of his defendants, rather than as a RICO lawsuit, is because he was instrumental in trying to cover over George Webb’s complicity in the dirty bomb false report incident. The following two screenshots are taken from my September 21, 2017 article Operation WHIPLASH.  (RDS’s words are in black, mine are in blue.)I  had three motivations in coming down hard on Dave Sweigert’s Port of Charleston report which he sold on The first had to do with its unfinished presentation, which defeated the stated purpose of being a report which could be sent to interested Congressional members.  The second reason was that the report was  weighted more heavily against Jason Goodman than George Webb who was the primary connection to the source of false information which came from a former FBI agent provocateur.  I did not want Sweigert’s arguments to be nullified in the same manner as Robert David Steele had done in the above screenshots.  And thirdly, when presenting a legal argument, it is better to show the plain facts succinctly, without embellishment.

After reading through Dave Sweigert’s RICO complaint which was filed in federal court on June 14, 2018, I find it to be a crisply worded legal document that touches on all of the important aspects of his case, without becoming too lengthy.  Because he has attached his exhibits at the end, the overall look is professional.  This is in contrast to the Robert David Steele amended complaint which includes numerous screenshots of ridiculous images which have been embedded within the complaint itself.  One is left with the impression that attorney Biss took a PDF of  Robert David Steele’s research and poured it into a template of a defamation lawsuit, without editing it.  We shall see how things progress in both lawsuits over the coming months.

Thumbs up to Dave Sweigert for representing the public’s interest in protecting our social media and economic infrastructures from individuals who are lowering the bar of journalism and jeopardizing our societal protections.

The framework in which truth is examined is essential to the cause of justice and social stability, and I am glad Sweigert has shifted some of these issues, which were being trampled under foot in the social media, to the federal court system. While his lawsuit is a RICO civil case, we may yet see in the future that the U.S. Attorney General, as representing the government’s interests in the Port of Charleston incident, will be induced to file a criminal RICO lawsuit.












5 thoughts on “The Framework in which Truth is Examined

  1. Benjamin Fulford? Oh my! Please, please, let that be your next target! That guy is so full of it, it begs description. It’s a whole new area for you. Let the games begin!

  2. Jacquelyn, I applaud Dave Sweigert’s federal suit against Jason Goodman, it’s what has to happen to bring Mr. Goodman to the cold reality that he is fully responsible and accountable for his actions, especially if he considers himself to be an investigative journalist. In my view, Mr. Goodman’s claim is laughable, just where is the evidence to support such a claim?

    A genuine investigative journalist does not make themselves part of the story; however, there’s hardly a video produced by Mr. Goodman where he doesn’t insert his own issues into the dialogue, especially any video dealing with legal actions. Contrary to Mr. Goodman’s pleadings, all the evidence points to Mr. Goodman’s attempt to gain sympathy for his own legal problems, as well as free legal advice from his guests. In fact, I could go as far as to claim that Mr. Goodman’s intent is to use his guests as mere props (after all, he was a Hollywood cameraman) from which he plays his sorry, repetitive tune for his ardent followers. It is quite sad, actually it is pathetic to see this self-proclaimed accomplished man whining and moaning over his detractors’ views of him.

    But isn’t such resistance to be expected from the target(s) of any investigation by a real investigative journalist? It is something readily handled by genuine journalists; in fact, when their targets start attacking them personally, doesn’t that expose them as having no evidence to challenge what has been reported? When their only recourse is the ad hominem attack, they’ve basically admitted they are guilty as charged.

    Unfortunately for Mr. Goodman, the real reporting is being done by those whom Mr. Goodman has singled out as his enemies and detractors. They have exposed him as the true fraud that he is, which predictably he so frequently projects onto others. But, it’s to be expected, after all, Mr. Goodman has demonstrated time and time again that he has little, to no control over his narcissistic tendencies. It’s patently obvious to anyone willing to objectively observe his behavior, of which only a few remain on his YouTube channel.

    As you stated right up front in your article, remove Mr. Goodman from the safety of his YouTube channel and see just how boldly he acts. My impression is he will fold quickly, or resort to a lengthy verbal screed justifying his behavior, which will only convict him in the eyes of an impartial jury that the charges leveled against him are more than justified.

  3. Very well expressed. I think it’s high time someone stands up to Jason Goodman and his posse. The Jason Goodman’s of YouTube have not earned a platform, and the flagrant misuse needs to stop.

  4. Julia, thank you for the compliment, I’m glad it resonated with you. Mr. Goodman acts like he is untouchable, and maybe he has been on YouTube, but federal court is another matter. He is looking at an uphill battle in both of these federal suits, and given the evidence that has already been assembled, much straight out of his own mouth, he may find himself in real legal jeopardy. No question, he has earned it, he is most deserving.

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