Denise Matteau, Thomas Schoenberger is NOT your friend!

I recently posted Gabe Hoffman’s announcement that YouTube had taken down Denise Matteau’s YouTube channel for her anti-Semitic remarks.

Immediately after that, Denise Matteau’s dear friend, who she has defended repeatedly in the past year, sent me an email, commenting on the removal of her Truth Convoy channel.

This morning I see that Ms. Matteau has made a video on her crafts channel favorably  referring to her “friend” that was composing a requiem that would honor her daughter. That “friend”, of course, refers to Thomas Schoenberger.   It would appear that he never sent her the remarks that he sent to me, which indicate that he never considered her a friend, but was using her gullibility for his own purposes.

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I have been staying away from commenting on the entire Denise Matteau/Thomas Schoenberger spider web for months because it is such an intricate web of lies. Jesse Davis has been doing a remarkable job in documenting and discussing the details of this none stop saga of defamation.

However, I sometimes feel a twinge of sadness for the gullibility of Denise Matteau, whose purpose in life revolves around the never ending cycle of false allegations trafficked on YouTube, many of which she invented in her own mind.

Here is the first part of an email sent to me after I posted the notice that Denise Matteau’s Truth Convoy YouTube channel had been terminated. Clearly, Denise Matteau has been defending Thomas Schoenberger based upon his false pretentions of friendship.

This email, dated December 17, 2021, from Thomas Schoenberger, began “Hey there Jacquelyn, I think we have turned a corner.  I am happy to see Denise’s channel down, since she called me every name in the book as part of the Defango ops.  She had so much hateful content about me, and others and hopefully she can stick to arts and crafts.  Any communication she sent me are now in the right hands.  I see Defango changing his story about himself her and JeromeCorsi (sic)  Now that Truth Convoy is finished, some thoughts.”

The rest of the email discusses various other persons.

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